Warehouse items

Warehouse itemsThe functioning of the LoMag warehouse management program is extremely easy. You are required to define and describe the items before starting to issue warehouse documents in your LoMag program. The software allows you to easily describe the items in the list and manage them in such a way that they are reflected as the need of the company.

Launch the item list

In order to launch the item list, you will have to select Items from the main menu located at the top or use the shortcut keys Ctrl + T for the same purpose. The item list can also be opened by clicking the items icon present in the toolbar. When you launch the item list, an updated list of items in that warehouse will be displayed. Tool menu will also be displayed which you can use for managing the item list.

Add, edit and delete items

The tool menu in the item list option allows you to add, delete or edit the warehouse items in your LoMag warehouse management. When you will open the item list, there will be icons to add, edit, delete items at the top. There is also a history icon that allows you to check what was done previously in your item list.

Manage the columns easily

It is also possible to change the layout of the columns in the warehouse items list. It allows you to hide columns and also change their names etc. You can manage the columns by clicking column layout option present in the item list. There is also an option of item list pagination. By default the automatic pagination is turned on when you install the program. If you wish to display all the items in a single drop down, then you will have to turn the pagination off. It also allows you yo sort the information in any column.