How To Find Freelance Travel Writing Jobs

Some people just can’t picture themselves in a cabin, surrounded by towers of files and unread documents, chasing down targets in 9-5 jobs. We call these people travelers.

Do you picture yourself sitting in a riverside cafe or a quaint little hut in a remote village away from civilization, scribbling your travel experiences and stories? If you have stories to tell from your world travels, there are plenty of people out there more than willing to pay for that. The travel freelance content writing jobs hire a large number of travel content writers and you could be one of them too. Here’s how:

Offline : Newspapers and Magazines, Travel Journals

If you are a budding traveller and seeking for experience in travel writing, then you might want to consider contacting your local newspapers, or the travel journals that come out fortnightly. Write samples and keep submitting your work. There are a number of newspapers who look for guest posts and pay accordingly. Even if the pay is small, keep at it. Such work experience helps you build a convincing portfolio. Remember, consistency is key.



Your travel blog can earn you money. Yes, you heard that right. Although, there are a few tricks of the trade that you must keep in mind. First, you have to quite an avid and active blogger and keep your blog updated. Second, share it as much as you can. You can do it for free via all the social media platforms or pay a small amount to promote it on Google.
Even though a blog is a good place to start, make sure you know when to advance to a website. A personalised website just ensures the Editor that you are serious about being a travel content writer.


Nowadays, a large number of magazines have introduced their online version and are on the constant lookout for guest writers and/or permanent writers. Follow their newsletter and get in touch with the Editor, if possible. Once you are aware of the travel content writing jobs’ prospects, contacts and networks play a crucial role.

A number of renowned magazines, like Lonely Planet, Outlook, National Geographic Traveler provide excellent prospects to travel content writers. Like many other travel writers, if your dream has also been to work for one of these internationally acclaimed magazines, in print or online, then it’s time to hone your writing as well as marketing skills and follow up!


The ordinary job search engines that you so despise can prove to be deceptive. It turns out that they also offer lucrative travel content writing jobs for aspiring travel writers, both full-time and part-time. As a fresher, you must keep your eyes open to all kinds of opportunities and weigh the situation wisely. Good luck and all the best!