Top Reasons To Choose iPhone Over Android

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Are you tired of your current phone or need to up your game concerning the phone you use? When it comes to buying a smartphone you are faced with a myriad of choices. Then comes the difficulty of choosing sides in this big bad war between Android and iPhone.

Comparing the 2018 Android and iPhone devices, we conclude that opting to buy an iPhone is the right choice for you. Here, we make a comparison of the devices with iOS 11 and Android 8. Buckle up and enjoy, you will look for online paraphrasing service, afterward.

• Greater Speed

We all love a fast and sure way of doing things. The Bionic chip A11, in iPhone 8, iPhone 8 plus, and X, has a faster processing speed. That means you can enjoy editing 4k videos, play intensive games, and use demanding AR apps, with a smoother experience.

• Better Appearance of Apps

There’s so much to a phone than just its features. Appearances also matter, even in online paraphrasing service. For apps that are available for both iPhone and Android phones, they appear better on iPhone. Take the new features in SnapChat or Spotify.

Also, the number of iPhone only apps is higher than the ones solely for Android.

• More Secure

If you are an iPhone user, don’t assume that since you use iOS, it isn’t impregnable. However, compared to Android, it is more secure. Android may be an easy target for malware because it has many users.

One of the possible reasons for this is that most users don’t upgrade to the latest versions. When iOS 9 was released, in just four months, 75% percent of iPad and iPhone users, had it.

• High-Quality Camera

In this battle of the phone with the best camera, Samsung had the title for a few years. iPhone takes photos that are more natural-looking and vivid. Also, they don’t fade in sunlight.

For now, iPhone excels as the phone with the best camera.

• Works with your Devices

It applies to those who have a Mac, iPad, and iPhone. The information you store can flow from one device to another smoothly. In the same way, a reliable paraphrasing a website service, should.

Syncing your devices is easy. With the Handoff support, you can start working on something on your phone and continue with it, on your Mac or iPad. On matters connectivity, Android has to rely on third parties, for a similar feature.

• Great Hardware and Software Integration

iPhone 6s introduced the first 3D Touch Display. This feature allows you to take quick actions, only by long-pressing an icon of an app from your home screen. It works by sensing pressure.

In iPhone 8 plus, you can tap to add lighting effects in the new Portrait mode. With iPhone X, you can log in with your face. It doesn’t matter whether you are now wearing specs or have grown a beard.

• No Carrier Bundled Apps

When you buy an iPhone, you won’t find any carrier apps installed. But on Android, there are numerous apps that you won’t ever use. Though you disable them as you cannot uninstall these apps, they still exist on your phone.

And thus take up valuable space. In iOS 10 you can hide iPhone apps and remove the portion of user data.


We could go on and on, about the useful features of an iPhone over Android, but you still have the final choice. Let us know what you think.

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