The Ghostbusters Film, Now Available As A Slot Game Online!

Love the Ghostbusters? Of course you do – don’t we all? Well, there’s more fun to be had: there’s actually a slot game online that allows you to enjoy the film – its characters and its perks – from the comfort of your own home, whilst even making a little money along the way. To be clear, we’re talking about the original Ghostbusters movie; the one that came out in 1984, the one that was originally conceptualised by Dan Aykroyd during his Saturday Night Live sketches. Imagine: playing the slots with Slimer as the prime character, with the popular Ghostbusters theme song bursting out its familiar sounds, and with actual voice recordings of the original cast spurring you on. Fun guaranteed!

The Original Film

Who doesn’t remember the heroes Raymond Stantz, Peter Vankman, Louis Tully, and Winston Zeddmore trying to make sure the beams don’t cross? Those four characterised in time and made history with the research centre they opened in the old, abandoned fire department. And who doesn’t remember the annoying lawyer who accused them of breaking city environmental regulations and ordering them to shut their security system down, thereby unleashing hell on the city? What about the gate keeper and the key keeper? Let’s say it together: “Who you gonna call?”

The Theme in the Game

The theme is full of Ghostbusters fun, which starts at the very beginning: the catchy and popular theme song will have you singing along from the first click. The game features the recorded voices of Dan Aykroyd and Bill Murray, as well as other cast members. That, along with other scare noises and slime all over the screen ensures the original theatre experience is duplicated on your computer screen as you play the slots.

The Game Experience

The game experience is truly in the theme of the film – you’re playing slots, but what you are really doing is making sure the beams don’t cross, watching symbols in the slots change appearances, and saying catch phrases out loud. The graphics and the sounds of this game are truly visually and audibly spectacular.

And here’s what makes the game extra fun: there are numerous bonus features to help players increase their winnings. Remember the Proton Pack the Ghostbusters have strapped on their backs in the movie? Well, in the game, you’ll be able to use it in the Ballroom Buster bonus round. And if you like marshmallows, you’ll find them raining down from the sky during the Stay Puft bonus round. You can have your pick from green, ghostly clouds in Paranormal Pick, and Slimer treats you to a funny act in Cash Award. These Ghostbuster games are fun guaranteed for young and old.

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