Why Does Minecraft Work As A Teaching Tool For Design?

Two weeks ago, two world records were broken when Minefaire came to Philadelphia: “the largest convention for a single video game” and “the world’s largest architecture lesson”. Minefaire is a convention for fans of Minecraft — the behemoth of a game that has captured the imagination of a generation. Twelve thousand attendees arrived at the… Continue reading Why Does Minecraft Work As A Teaching Tool For Design?

How To Design A Website That Appeals To Women

Sprite’s “#BrutallyRefreshing” campaign is a recent debacle that reminds us that, in 2016, there are still plenty of tone-deaf marketers. With strange taglines like “She’s seen more ceilings… than Michaelangelo” and “A 2 at 10 is a 10 at 2!”, critics of the campaign have called it out as “#BrutallySexist”. The ads were quickly rescinded.… Continue reading How To Design A Website That Appeals To Women