Renovating Your Condo Interior With These Clever Ideas

Renovating Your Condo Interior With These Clever Ideas

When you think of your dream home, you probably imagine a place where you can spend positive and lasting memories with your loved ones. That place is, in your mind, the epitome of comfort, warmth, and convenience. It’s the ultimate definition of belongingness. But what if you get your own residential property and it comes short of your expectations? That can happen especially when you buy a bare condo unit with nothing but white walls and cemented floors. Bare condos in high-rise buildings look nothing close to anyone’s dream home. Units lack design and personality because everything looks exactly the same. However, with the right resolve and resources, you can turn all that around.

It doesn’t matter if you’re getting a new condo or you’re planning to freshen up the design  of your old unit—if you want flair, you can have flair. With minimal effort and cost, you can transform your condo into a whole new place that will give you a sense of satisfaction every time you’re in it. A few impactful upgrades can go a long way in making your unit look less like a cookie-cutter place and more like the dream home you’ve always wanted.

Before you dive into a remodeling project, however, you should keep in mind the different restrictions that may be imposed by your condo. Remember, common areas are off-limits so make sure you define the parameters before you proceed with the project. Once you have an idea on what you can and cannot do, you can wiggle around more comfortably. So without further ado, here are some design tips and renovation ideas to help you through a successful condo renovation project.

  • Resource guru: Use whatever is at your disposal

Some people shun the idea of home renovation because when they hear that phrase, they immediately think of the expenses they may incur. Although it’s true that most renovation projects require a considerable sum, you can still improve your condo interior design without spending a dime. Even if you’re not a hoarder, chances are you still have boxes stacked somewhere that contain some trifles and a few important objects. Scour through these boxes and find some accessories that you can use as decorations in your condo. Plates, old paintings, wooden spoons, picture frames, and small figurines can all add dimension to your unit if you place them strategically. You’ll be amazed at how much these objects can improve the looks of your condo without costing you anything.

  • Power in details: Add simple objects to preserve balance

Renovations don’t always have to be big. You can add one simple object in a room and it can make all the difference. If you place a painting or a lamp in an area where it can accentuate the rest of the space, that’s just as good as adding one big furniture. The simple elements of design are just as important as the complex ones. For instance, a wicker basket for displaying books, toys, or even fruits and vegetables can make your bedroom, living room or kitchen look more interesting while serving an economical purpose at the same time. Area rugs over your hardwood floors can create the same effect. They don’t only add style—they also assume a utilitarian purpose. It’s a win-win for you.

  • Space game: Make the most of every inch

Condo spaces are relatively cramped. Lack of space is probably the biggest issue you may encounter in vertical living. But space shouldn’t be a problem if you know how to make the most of it. For instance, instead of dismissing the balcony as a passive viewing space, why not transform it into a functional space? That way, you can add more storage to your condo. You have to be careful about renovating your balcony, though. Some condos are strict about renovations involving the balcony so make sure you get the board’s approval before you give your contractor the go-signal.

  • Contemporary feels: Adopt a modern design

Unless you’re someone who likes dwelling in the past, it’s probably best if you adopt a modern condo interior design. A contemporary theme can make your condo look simple yet sophisticated at the same time. Modern designs create a beautiful paradox in which less is more and minimalism is the best way to express abundance. Only contemporary design can achieve this unique take on interior design.

  • Colors everywhere: Repaint the walls and other parts

Applying a fresh coat of paint over your walls is arguably the best form of condo renovation. Adding new colors to certain areas in your condo can transform its general mood. You can choose among plenty of different color combinations that will suit your condo’s theme. Light colors can make a small room feel larger. Conversely, dark colors can box a room so that it feels more cramped. When repainting an area, keep in mind that while an explosion of colors can make space livelier, it can also make it look messy and disorganized. So if you want to add depth and texture to space without going overboard, choose a maximum of two colors and use their tones and hues for variation.

  • Green living: Add plants in every room

Plants will always be a great addition to every room. They add a fresh touch that can make any space look like it’s teeming with life. What’s good about houseplants is that they’re an inexpensive upgrade. You don’t have to burn money to get one for each room. Plants are not only great as design elements, they also serve an environmental purpose. They can clean household air and balance humidity, making them the perfect element for a condo redesign project.

  • Mirror on the wall: Use mirrors to create the illusion of space

If you’re visually conscious about the space in your condo, you can try another affordable upgrade in the form of mirrors. The reflective surface of mirrors creates the illusion of space. You can make a room look larger than it actually is by placing a mirror in a wall opposite a large window. Decorative mirrors can fill empty spaces and give dimension to any room. Add a few to your unit to give your living space instant light.

  • Dine fine: Install new counters in the kitchen

If you want to go big with your condo renovation, you can change your kitchen counters to more sophisticated ones. Granite and caesar stone are highly recommended if you don’t mind paying for elegance. But if you can settle for something a little less fancy in both looks and price, butcher block counters are good, too. Counters are made of many other materials. You can consult a professional to ensure that you’re getting the best type of counters for your kitchen.

  • Level up: Enhance your flooring

If you have both the enthusiasm and the resources to go for an upgrade bigger than a kitchen counter, you can opt to overhaul your condo’s flooring. To tell you upfront, reflooring a large space can be quite expensive but it will all be worth it in the end if you achieve exactly what you want. You can go for a carpet flooring if you care a lot about comfort and don’t mind the extensive maintenance you’d have to do. Vinyl, tile or wood are all equally good—it just boils down to your personal preference and budget. Reflooring your condo is a big move so make sure that you plan for it instead of doing it on a whim.

  • Lights up: Add new lighting fixtures

In interior design, lighting is everything. It doesn’t matter how expensive your other design elements are—if your condo doesn’t have proper lighting, it will end up looking dull and lifeless. Natural light is an important element of design so make sure your condo interior gets enough of it. Artificial lighting can also improve the aesthetics of your condo so use it properly.

  • Stories and reflections: Make your home a personal statement

Tell a story through design. Don’t sacrifice personality for elegance. When you add a design element, it should somehow say something about you. It’s your home after all. Why not make it your own personal space? It’s the one place in the world where you can truly be yourself. Make a personal statement and let your style shine through every space in your condo.

Renovating your condo is an exciting feat that you should commit yourself to. It takes time, patience, and perseverance to transform a dull space into a place that you can truly call home. Make sure you think through every step so you don’t make irreparable mistakes along the way. Most important of all, never erase the image of your dream home from your mind so that you will remain enthusiastic throughout the process.