How You Can Get Hold of The Best Static Caravan Insurance Deal

How You Can Get Hold of The Best Static Caravan Insurance Deal

As your holiday home caravan is going to be far away from home and you could be spending several months out of the year in it you have to make sure that you have the right insurance cover as per your requirements. Taking some time out to shop around for the best static caravan insurance deal can save a great amount of financial heartache if the worst case scenario takes place and you were to lose every single thing.

If you take out a comprehensive static caravan insurance coverage then you would have the same protection as if you had picked a third party fire and theft cover along with a great deal more insurance for your caravan. If your caravan is a brand new top of the range model or is over a certain amount that comes with all the modern cons then you must opt for a fully comprehensive cover. The insurance can vary depending on the provider you opt for. Therefore it is vital that you check out the terms and conditions offered carefully as there could be exclusions and limitations. It is imperative that you compare static caravan insurance before you finalize for one.

Agreed Value and Terms

If you own a brand new model then you must check to determine if you have agreed terms in the policy. This means that you would have the caravan valued and in case the worst happened and you lose everything this is going to be the sum of money that you would be getting back from this coverage. This would include not only your belongings but the caravan itself if it has been under a specific age. If you have this cover then it would cost you more than a policy that took depreciation into account as if it did then the belongings and items would not be replaced as new.


You also want to check that your caravan is as safe and secure as possible. If you have the caravan on site that is very well maintained and is behind walls or fencing and there is security lighting on the site too then you could save big on insurance. You could also save if you were to install window locks and have an alarm system in place. Having a smoke alarm along with extinguishers can also help you save more as there are all the vital measures that can prevent the caravan from any damage or being burnt down.