The Analysis Phase of Web Development Project

When building a website, we should follow various frameworks and standards. There are also languages, modelling tools, methodologies and frameworks that we need to consider. Websites are often developed with different methods, based on different changes. We should be able to develop websites based on certain methods and it should be quite easy to do… Continue reading The Analysis Phase of Web Development Project

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How Departing Employees Should Untangle Corporate and Personal Data?

For many of us, transitioning legally and ethically from one job to another can be considered something of an art. These days nearly everyone uses social media and own personal gadgets. Consequently, moving to a new employment can be trickier and we need to know how to untangle personal information from the old job. You… Continue reading How Departing Employees Should Untangle Corporate and Personal Data?

Categorized as General

How Ongoing Web Development and Redesign Processes Can Revive Half-Dead Websites?

Web design and development are an ongoing process. Our websites will need to be continuously improved, so they can stay relevant. Changes should be subtle enough, so users won’t be left confused about our changes. This is particularly true on half-dead websites that have many static pages that barely attract any visitor. These websites were… Continue reading How Ongoing Web Development and Redesign Processes Can Revive Half-Dead Websites?

Categorized as Tech

Why Business Websites Are Much More than Just Online Brochures?

It is important to make sure that our website means business. However, we need to be aware that our website is much more than just an online brochure. It should work more than a colourful pamphlet on the computer or smartphone display that people want to read. Flyers and brochures have their own purposes, so… Continue reading Why Business Websites Are Much More than Just Online Brochures?

Categorized as Tech

4 Ways Linux LiveCD Can Be Helpful To Your Business?

Many Linux fans will tell you that businesses and professionals would benefit immensely by abandoning Windows and migrating to an open source platform. Those free alternatives are highly secure, reliable and stable. Even if you already have a stable Linux distro on your laptop, there are still a number of reasons why a copy of… Continue reading 4 Ways Linux LiveCD Can Be Helpful To Your Business?

Categorized as General

Choosing The Right Graphic Cards On First Half Of 2011

Structure of a graphics card The essential component of a graphics card is the GPU (Graphic Processing Unit) and the GPU itself is consisted of Stream processors: for performing the majority of the pixels calculations, Texturing units: for creating image textures, Raster Units: mainly used for anti-aliasing. The most important component for overall performance is… Continue reading Choosing The Right Graphic Cards On First Half Of 2011

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