When Does DIY Site Building Make the Most Sense?

When considering a new or redesigned website for your business, blog or personal brand, be thankful it’s no longer the early stages of the Internet. Back then, if you had no idea how to code a page, you were out of luck or you had to pay thousands or even tens of thousands to a professional designer. Now you can rely on DIY templates to make your own site – no knowledge of code needed. Nonetheless, there are still advantages to hiring professional designers, so consider whether or not DIY site building makes the most sense for you.

You Have the Time

Visit http://www.register.com/ and see if the domain name you had in mind for your website is available. Claim the name or tweak it until you find an available name and then click on the DIY website builder option; it really is as simple as that to get started. When working with DIY templates, you don’t need to set aside a large chunk of time, but you will need a few hours. If you can carve out a few hours of your day – even if you need to stay up late, get up early, or set one weekend afternoon aside – you have the time needed to create your own site. If you really can’t spare even that, then it’s best to hire an expert.

You’re on a Tight Budget

Claiming your domain name and designing your own site with simple-to-use website builders is the most affordable way to get a site onto the Internet. You’ll spend hundreds or even thousands less than you would working with a website developer. Domain names are even free from the right providers when you sign up for monthly hosting services.

You Have a Simple Site

The less in-depth your site, the more suited it is to a DIY site builder. Of course, you can create anything, including an online store, with a DIY builder, but if e-commerce is a cornerstone of your online business, you might want to work with professionals to make sure the e-shop functions without error. If you site is primarily a host for content and information, you won’t need a very complex design.

The best hosting services make building a website as easy as can be and even offer support for any issues that arise with a DIY website. As long as you register your domain with the right hosting service, your website is going to look amazing and perform reliably for your visitors. You can always start with DIY and progress to hiring a professional to tweak the design in the future if need be.

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