Tips To Make The Most Of Your Sailing Adventure Holiday In Greece

Ever fancied a holiday sailing the beautiful blue expanses of the Adriatic sea or the Mediterranean, but worried about what it entails? This article gives seven top tips for those keen on partaking in sailing adventure holidays in Greece.

Tip 1: Don’t forget your passport

Passports or ID cards are essential, and if you are not from the EU then you need to check with your Greek Consulate to see if you have to apply for a visa. Don’t forget to get your Euros and bring either travellerscheques or a credit card for any unexpected emergencies.

Tip 2: Kick back, relax, but don’t drink too much on your first night

Even the most seasoned sailor needs to find their sea legs, so don’t be fooled by the crystal clear, calm waters of the Adriatic and the Mediterranean. By all means, feel free to have a glass or two on your first night of holiday, but make sure you’re well rested and hangover-free when you meet the yacht the next morning.

Tip 3: Consider your fellow travellers and ditch your roll on luggage in favour of the good old fashioned rucksack

As you can imagine, space within the cabins is limited, so big lumbering suitcases will be difficult to fit in. Rucksacks are a much better option as they can be stored flat in a draw or on a shelf when empty.

Tip 4: Pack sensibly, you need less than you think!

You will spend your days on deck wearing swimming shorts, bikinis, swimming costumes, t-shirts and shorts. You will need sensible shoes or sturdy sandals for on deck and a sunhat, sunglasses and sun cream are absolute essentials. For the cooler evenings, it’s wise to bring a jumper or sweatshirt and depending on the time of year, a lightweight waterproof could be a good plan. So leave your jeans and fancy clothes back home.

Tip 5: Protect your electricals

Cameras, phones, mp3 players, headphones and tablet computers don’t cope well with sea water, and spray gets everywhere! Protect them by sealing them into clear plastic bags and leave non-essentials at home.

Tip 6: The Greek sun is stronger than you think!

Don’t let the cooling Mediterranean sea breeze lull you into a false sense of security – the sun is scorchingly hot and you will burn, so make sure you have high factor sun cream and loose fitting clothing to cover your shoulders during the midday sun.

Tip 7: Keep hydrated

The hot sun and the constant breeze will dehydrate you very rapidly, so keep your fluid levels up with water not with alcohol!

So, in order to enjoy your perfect sailing adventure holidays in Greece, remember your passport, currency, sun cream, sun hat and water. Leave your big suitcases and posh clothes at home and bring your camera (safely contained in a clear plastic bag) to capture those beautiful memories.