The App Revolution: Why Top Industries Are Developing Their Own Mobile Apps

The App Revolution: Why Top Industries Are Developing Their Own Mobile Apps


Phone apps have become a part of our everyday world.  Because of smartphone technology, we are able to do just about everything on-the-go.  As a result, however, businesses now find it necessary to develop phone apps.  The following information will discuss details about what is in the foreseeable future for smartphones, what sectors of business should use them, and the reasons behind the necessity.

Future Smartphones

As smartphones have progressed through the years, their technology has made it possible to things that you would never have thought possible on a mobile device.  Not only do many of them have dual cameras.  They have also become waterproof.

However, the Google Pixel is one of the most sought-after phones.  Its ability to capture virtual reality has set it apart from many other phones on the market.  But, the fact that it is designed by Google allows one to use Google Assistant effortlessly.  This ability allows the user to ask any question at the touch of a button, and the use of a microphone.  Just tap the button, ask the question, and voila.  You have your answer in seconds.

As a result of all this technology, the ability to work on-the-go with a mobile device has become much easier, and businesses have noticed.  As such, businesses have created apps that allow the user to access their site from wherever they are, which has become a vital part for a business’ success.

All Sectors

You may be wondering if your business needs an app.  The short answer is, “yes”.  Many people in today’s business world agree that all business sectors need some sort of mobile app in order to access their business.

For example, Waracle Founder Michael Romily says that “mobile capability is having an affect on all industry sectors.”  He also says that “94 percent of enterprises have open vacancies for mobile app development expertise.”  So, as you can see, the demand is growing.

Reasons Why Your Business Needs an App

But, why has the need for apps become such a hot topic?  There are many reasons for necessity, as Forbes writer, Melanie Haselmayr explains.  It’s not just big businesses that need them, anymore.  Businesses of all sizes have started to use them, as well.  

Direct Link

First of all, many people use their phones for several hours each day. They may only use certain apps most of the time.  However, having an app will get you noticed,  either through social media pages like Twitter or other apps like Yelp that help people look for certain services in their area.  Having a mobile app that is directly linkable to those sites will get you noticed a lot quicker, which will bring in customers, and increase business.

Market Yourself

Once they get to your app, everything they need to know should be right there on the main page.  Any details can be created on other pages.  But, being able to inform prospective customers of what your business does, where it is, and other contact information, will definitely put their foot in your door.

Have a Great Design

Giving information isn’t enough.  Given that you have the technology to stylize your app, you need to do so.  This is your chance to be creative.  A memorable design will stick in people’s heads.  Remember, the best logos have made companies well-known throughout the world.  Don’t skip this opportunity.

Customer Appreciation

The combination of these steps, along with the ability to communicate back-and-forth with customers, will improve engagement with them.  If they can quickly text you a message, and you respond just as fast, it will definitely have an impact.  As a result, you will be able to create a communication with them that goes beyond talking through an app.  While communication should start with the app, getting customers in your door will help you continue the conversation, create good word-of-mouth, and increase your business.


The necessity for mobile apps in today’s business world has increased significantly.  If you don’t have one, it will hurt your business.  However, developing one that informs people will get people in your door, spark further communication, and increase business.  Developing a mobile app may cost extra money up front.  But, it will pay for itself in no time.