Questions To Ask Before You Hire A Moving Company

Moving is a big process.  It can be a true exercise in patience, organization and detail.  You have to pack your things, load the truck, drive the truck to the new place, unload everything – or you could hire a moving company.

Hiring a moving company takes a lot of the headache and stress out of moving, but the key thing to remember is that you have to find the right moving company.  Although hiring the right company can take away your moving-day stress, hiring the wrong one can monumentally add to it.  Protect yourself and your belongings by doing adequate research before you hire someone to do your moving for you.

Consider the following as you begin your search for Ottawa movers

How much of the Move do I Want the Movers to Handle, and how much can I do on My Own?

Moving companies offer a variety of services.  There are some that offer full-service moving packages that include everything from packing your belongings to transporting them and even unpacking for you.  Although those packages are very convenient, they can also be very pricey.  Other, more affordable options include boxing your things yourself and then hiring movers to simply load, transport and unload your things into your new home, or hiring movers to box and load your belongings and then driving the truck to your new address yourself.  Understand what your needs are and then find a company that offers those services.

How Much Can I Spend?

The decision to use (or not use) certain moving services often boils down to money.  How much money can you afford to spend on moving services?  If you can afford the full-service package, it might be worth it.  If not, deciding how much you can afford to spend can help you narrow the choices when it comes to moving companies and the services they offer.

Am I Moving Locally, or Long-distance?

The process of moving cross country or even internationally can be very different than a simple, local move.  If you are making a long-distance move, be sure to hire a company who has lots of experience in this kind of move.

What recourse do I have if my property is damaged or lost?

Always choose a moving company that will reimburse you for the full value of any lost or damaged property.  Some will only offer to pay a fraction of the replacement cost.  Don’t settle for that.

Is the Company Reputable?

Finally, always ensure that any company you hire to move your precious belongings is backed by a good reputation.  Ask for references, and actually call them.  Check with the Better Business Bureau for any complaints that have been filed against the company and if something seems fishy, steer clear.  Don’t rely on a simple Google search to get opinions about a company.  Those glowing reviews you find could very easily have been written by the company itself.