Is Jogging Important for Cardiovascular Fitness?

The short answer is yes. It is important. As you make jogging part of your regular exercise program, your cardiovascular system will experience long-lasting effects. Jogging can strengthen your body’s ability to distribute oxygen and oxygen as well as strengthen your heart. It’s important for cardiovascular fitness because it prevents plaque buildup in blood vessels and arteries while lowering your risk of high blood pressure and heart disease.

And here is why it is important.

Reduce the risk of Coronary Heart Disease

Coronary heart disease is one of the top three disease killers in the US. For many people, a regular exercise program, such as jogging, could reduce and or eliminate the risk factors associated with it.

If not controlled by limited intake of high saturated fats in your diet, high cholesterol in the blood can clog the arteries of your heart. Along with a nutritional diet low in cholesterol and saturated fats, jogging could improve your high-density lipoprotein or HDL, the level of your lipid profile. HDL helps to remove excess cholesterol from the cells to the liver for removal from the body. With less excess cholesterol, the risk of developing coronary heart disease is lowered.

Increased Heart function

A better functioning heart gives a better functioning body. And, each time you jog, you increase the amount of maximum oxygen intake for your body. What is maximum oxygen intake? It is your body’s capacity to transport and use oxygen during exercise.

You can feel your breathing easier during more strenuous activities within the first couple of weeks of your jogging program. Not only that, you may also find that the distance you were able to jog four weeks ago, is much easier now after you jog consistently over those weeks.

Reduced Blood Pressure

That’s correct. Jog can help you reduce your resting blood pressure.

Blood pressure is the amount of pressure on your arteries, as your heart pumps blood through your system and then as the heart muscle relaxes. As you continue with your jogging program, you will begin to notice that there is a reduction in your resting blood pressure reading.

How can that be?

Well, your heart is functioning at a higher level. Which means more oxygen is being delivered to the body. As that happens, a change occurs within the blood vessels throughout your body.  Now, your blood is delivered more efficiently than before, with less effort to your body.

The end result? Less pressure is measured against the wall of your arteries and blood vessels.


We have considerations for you before you start your jogging program.

  • Before starting a jogging program, it is best to check with your physician or health care provider
  • Make sure you that you wear comfortable jogging shoes to protect your body as well as giving you proper traction
  • Wear appropriate clothing for the weather
  • Stay hydrated
  • Stretch for 5 to 10 minutes after you jog. This will increase your flexibility and reduce stiffness