Here Are Key Tips to Put In Place to Optimize Your Website

Search engine optimization is key to improving the visibility of your website. Many business owners don’t know much about improving their site’s SEO, and often spend their money on wrong strategies. Caleb Ulku is a professional digital marketer who founded Ulku Logistics LLC, a leading digital marketing company. If you want to promote your website, hiring the services of a professional like Ulku is wise. But there are also many things you can do by yourself.

Following are some tips that can be used to optimize your website.

  1. Choosing the right keywords

Optimizing your SEO requires a list of keywords or phrases to position yourself in the search engines. Choose your keywords based on your target and goals that define your business. You can use the Google Keyword Planner tool to discover the number of searches for a keyword and the different combinations of phrases related to it.

Once you have selected your keywords, they should be used in your content, titles, meta tags and URLs. The goal is for Google to notice that your site has one or more keywords.

  1. Offer quality content

The quality of your website content is at the heart of SEO optimization. Content includes editable text, photos and videos intended for the user. It must be indexed and “understood” by robots to be well-positioned on the engine results pages.

Be sure to offer unique and relevant content for your visitors to encourage them to come back to your pages. The motto is to write for internet users and search engines.

  1. Prioritize your content

A web page uses H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6 tags for titles and subtitles. Categorizing and prioritizing content has two goals: to help readers better understand what they are going to read and to tell Google what information is most important. A title using an H1 tag, the largest headline size, should summarize the general subject of your page. A title using an H6 tag, the smallest headline size, should summarize a detailed part of your subject. These tags help bring a notion of value to each of your titles.

For Google, the popularity of a page allows knowing its relevance. The more popular a page is, the more it will climb in the search results. In order to improve your popularity index, you must have quality external links pointing to your site. This is the off-site component of SEO. The relevance and quality of the links that point to your site should be prioritized rather than the number. Avoid links from dubious sites that are not well-known or that offer illegal content.

  1. Internal mesh

The internal mesh, which is important in natural referencing, defines the way your pages are linked together. It is crucial to help your visitors navigate from one page to another by inserting links to other pages of the website. This also makes it easy for Google’s robots to index and analyze your web pages efficiently and quickly.

The internal mesh has a dual function: improving your SEO and improving the user experience.

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