4 Of The Best Places In The World To Go Whale Watching

For nature lovers, visiting exotic locales to watch animals in their natural habitat is often a once in a lifetime experience. With wildlife areas dwindling, it is getting harder to find places to watch animals because many of them have had to look elsewhere to live. Fortunately, the seas cannot be ravished like the forests and other areas have been and there are many places around the world where whales and other sea creatures can be observed.

Where to Whale Watch

Whales migrate the world’s waters at different times of the year. When you go whale watching, you will be able to observe them gliding through the waters and, on occasion, they may show off by breaching and playing along the way. Here are some of the best places in the world to go whale watching.

Cape Cod, Massachusetts

Off the Massachusetts coast is a great place to observe whales. Cape Cod is considered one of the top 10 best places in the world to go whale watching and the waters of the Atlantic Ocean are full of these majestic creatures. Pods of minke, fin back and humpback whales are regularly seen in the area. The best time to go is during the months April to October. Your chances of seeing whales during that time are over 90 percent.


Between the months of late November and March, the warm waters of this Caribbean nation are the home to sperm, pygmy and killer whales, both the orca and false killer types. There is a 90-percent chance you will get to see pods of whales mating, playing and socialising together off the shores of the island. Better known for its scuba diving, the area has recently been dubbed the “Whale Watching Capital of the Caribbean.”

Sydney, Australia

When you visit Sydney Harbour, there is a good chance you will get to see humpback whales during their migration times. They usually migrate through the area twice per year. During the months of May through August is when humpbacks migrate through the area going north to cooler waters. The southern migration period is from September through October. Whale watching in Sydney is a great way to see the Sydney Opera House and other landmarks near the harbor.

Monterey, California

The waters of the Pacific are teeming with whales from Alaska to Baja California. If you want to find orcas, the waters off the coast of Monterrey Bay are one of the best places in the world to find them. Like Sydney, you can observe whales at almost anytime of the year in this area. Grey whales migrate through the area in both winter and spring. In the summer and fall is when you can watch humpbacks and large blue whales and orcas can appear at anytime in the area as well. For dolphin lovers, they can be seen in the area at almost anytime of the year as well.

Taking a boat tour is a great way to see whales up close and get pictures of them as they migrate, mate and play.