College Aides Get Truck Festival Out And About

New from celebration accomplishment at Glastonbury and Blissfields, staff and understudies from Southampton Solent University will be pitching up and giving specialized aid to Truck Festival 2014, this weekend.

In excess of fifty talented staff and understudies will be using five days on Hill Farm at Steventon, utilizing the University’s forefront supplies to set the stages and perform key film and generation employments for the mainstream Oxfordshire celebration that happens from 18-19 July.

Understudies from Solent’s media engineering system will be taking complete specialized control of the Veterans and Virgins (V&v) Stage – doing the majority of the gear, lighting and sound designing.

On the Main and Market stages, understudies will be serving to guide, film and record exhibitions from groups including ‘The Cribbs’, ‘White Lies’ and ‘Stornoway’.

A customary peculiarity on the celebration circuit, the University’s condition of-the workmanship Outside Broadcast (OB) Vehicle will benefit the Main Stage; while understudies will fabricate a second OB office, sans preparation, to administration the Market Stage.

The University’s understudy run channel, Solent TV, will be making a narrative about Truck 2014, and in addition Southampton Solent’s contribution at the celebration.

Understudies will likewise have the opportunity get together with Solent graduates who are currently meeting expectations in the business, including Rob Nisbet and his occasions organization Event Production Services, who will be giving gear to the V&v Stage.

Polly Long, Senior Lecturer in the media engineering project, says: “This is an extraordinary open door for understudies to addition involved, viable experience at a vast scale live occasion. Progressing backing from Truck Festival empowers our understudies to have so much administer association – working nearly with partners from a scope of courses and experts in the occasions and excitement industry.”

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