Choosing The Right Function Band For Your Event

There’s nothing like a band to liven up an event, and whether you’re looking for a group to perform at your wedding, birthday or a corporate party, there are a variety of musicians who can be found and hired to entertain you and your guests. Hiring a specialist function band as opposed to a DJ may seem daunting at first, as it is much more difficult to choose a band and trust in them to perform well than it is to just have someone play a track list of your favourite hits. However, musicians are artists, and there’s just something about hearing a true artist perform music live that the radio can’t compete with. A great example of a specialist function band is The Souljers who are based in Leicester and great for corporate events in the area.

Choosing a Genre

When you looking to hire a band, you must first consider what type of music you’re interested in having played. Dance music, for example, is a start, but to find a group that truly matches your style, you should specify what sub genre of dance music you’re looking for. 70’s cover bands? Modern electronic artists, or synth pop ensembles? The same goes for rock and roll. A Kiss or Metallica cover band is going to be quite different than a modern, original group who plays alternative or heavy metal. Knowing exactly what type of music you want played will facilitate your search immensely right from the start.

Finding the Band

Once you’ve got a solid sound in mind, it’s time to find a group that fits that image. Cover and function bands are more easy to hire, as they generally book through an entertainment agency that you can contact for sample tracks and videos. If you find an unsigned original band who doesn’t have a booking agent you’ll have to contact them personally, however this generally isn’t too difficult of a task, as the majority of bands on YouTube and similar sites have their contact information easily visible for potential clients.

Keep a budget in mind as well. Make sure you’re getting your money’s worth. If you feel like an agency or band is asking for a ridiculous price, don’t be hesitant to wager with them. This is your event and your finances, and regardless of how good a band may be, there’s no reason for you to feel intimidated or hire someone out of fear of not finding anything better. If you’re confident and selective, you’ll surely find a band to make your event an occasion to remember.

Categorized as Music